Tuesday, December 26, 2006

East coast bound...

Well I am a girl on the go! That's for sure! I leave on the red eye tonight to go visit my sister on the East coast! I'm quite excited to see my sister and brother-in-law and the rest of my family who I haven't seen since Haleigh and Brians wedding in May! I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with them before I head off to the land down under!! I'm looking forward to sightseeing in D.C., going for walks on the beach and laughing with my ever-so-funny relatives, they really are quite the comedic bunch! I may even help Haleigh paint her house!! Good times to come, and you can expect a fun-filled report on my trip when I return!! So I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and when you get ready to go back to work/school/regular life just think of me on my vacation! Happy New Year everyone!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

there's lots of snow up there...

On Tuesday I headed up to the capital city to visit some good friends and what can I say other than it was a BLAST! Too short, but fun nonetheless!! I won't hog all the highlights becuase Susan is going to blog about it as well, but since I'm blogging first...I'm going to show you all the GREAT HATS Susan and I found! Sorry Sue...I couldn't wait....

Yes, we did indulge and buy them for ourselves, but I think you'll all agree, we couldn't pass these one of a kind accessories up!!

We also viewed some pretty interesting artwork at the U of A campus.

We had fun being a little artistic ourselves...

Well, there's the sneak preview from me. I hope Susan finishes with the rest of the highlights one of these days! But she is on holidays, so I'll give her some time!! But if you're getting impatient, click
here and leave her comments begging her to blog!!!

Thanks for the great time Darcen and Susan! I had a blast!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

'tis the season...

Friday, December 01, 2006

a little of this & a little of that...

Well I have discovered the amazing world of Google Analytics and have been tracking the places where people look at my blog from. There are places on my list that I have never heard of! So far I've found that people have stumbled across my blog from: Lethbridge, Edmonton, Calgary, Harrisonburg, Mount Uniacke, Medicine Hat, Monarch, Bloomington, Coutts, Bedford, Taber, Tyler, Mosherville, Norfolk, French Village, Newport Corner, Manorville, Windsor, Nashville, Coaldale, Everett & Toronto.

Hmm, onto other news. I officially finish classes in 1 week from today! That is so exciting for me, and just to brag, I thought I should post a picture of my achievements!! It's ironic that after you spend tens of thousands of dollars on your university education, they then charge you your other arm and leg to document the event! Ah well! It really is a surreal feeling. I took a carload of things back home this weekend, and it's just wierd to think that it actually is all over. When I started University in September of 2003, I thought I'd be there forever, and here I am heading in to the next phase of life! Crazy! Well I have SO much too look forward to, so while it will be hard to say goodbye to the Lethbridge crew, I'm excited at the same time! Well, that's it for this blog, I'm tired from all the Christmas shopping I've done lately, so I'm ready for a nice sleep (without the wind threatening to blow my roof off)!!