Sunday, August 27, 2006

kick back...

This week was one of the best weeks I've had in a while! It was a week of NOTHING. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. I took the week off and enjoyed sleeping in, lazy pajama days and a lot of movie watching. Bryde and I had some interesting experiences with the city transit and we had a fun girls night at our house. The week finished off with a trip to Bow Island, where I, Alexa, actually rode in a combine. And contrary to what I thought, it wasn't boring, and yes you can quote me on that!! I also got to rip around on a quad, which I must say is a new favourite activity of mine. We had a wonderful BBQ supper and topped off the night with a party at the Bow Island pool. I tried to do a flip off the diving board and, well, lets just say that back flops aren't very comfortable!!! I didn't get anything major accomplished this week, but that's okay, becuase I feel as though I have finally been able to get rid of the bags under my eyes. I am now home for the rest of the summer where I will enjoy some time with my family and friends before a hectic year begins!!

Also, some of you may have noticed that there is now no anonymous option on my blog. You can thank creepy Mexico boy for that! I'll debate whether or not I'm going to put it back on...because I know it's been an enthralling adventure!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

jumping for joy...

I am one happy girl!! I finished my last summer class today and now I officially have one semester of University to go! Doing summer classes is definitely hard at times, but now I am so glad I plowed through! Knowing that I only have one semester of fees, overpriced textbooks and boring lectures seems too good to be true, but alas it is true! Well I'm looking forward to a fun filled weekend, and it will be nice knowing I don't have to go back to the books on Monday morning! My brother is coming for the weekend, so I shall have to take him to the hot spots of this town...wherever they may be!! Oh and if anyone is in the mood to move furniture this weekend, come on over!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I bet there are a few of you out there who agree with me that this summer has absolutely flown by. I am sitting here at the University killing time before my next class and I was thinking about how different things are gonna be in the next few months and years. Don't get me wrong, change is a good thing, but I just didn't realize how fast it would come. I am 5 short months away from graduating and was just thinking about my time here over the past three years. First off, I am excited for the fall and the city to be bustling with students, but my three of my favourite people will no longer be a part of the september bustle! Tilly will be hard at work in a city she has finally learned to drive in and Susan and Darcen will be enjoying married life in our capital city! As excited as I am for all of my friends, It will be strange to be here with out you all. But I am very pumped about the year that is to come. I have some great roommates moving in and a great roommate coming back! I have a lot of fun trips planned - and that is just for September! I will turn the big 23! And I will be planning a move to the Southern Hemisphere!! So while there is a lot of change ahead, I am very much looking forward to it!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My new love!

I guess it's time for another update....some exciting things have happened in my life....yes, it's true. I have found my one true love. He has chocolate coloured skin, he sings beautiful, and I am completely in love with him...especially when he sings my favourite song, "miracles" to me....yes, you guessed it...GEORGE HUFF!