Thursday, April 27, 2006

so good...

Year 3 of University is but a fading memory of babbling professors and unused textbooks. Oh yes friends, I am finished! It is such a great feeling. I get all tingly when I know I have but a few words left to write on my last final of the semester. I had that sensation yesterday afternoon at about 10 after 3 as I was writing the final words of my music exam. There is no better feeling then slamming the answer booklet shut, shoving your pens into your bag and then standing up, strutting to the front of the room and saying goodbye to a class forever! Ahhhh...the relief!! Well I am home for a few days before I head to the U.S. of A. for my little Sister's wedding!! I am REALLY looking forward to this and am just so happy that for the next week and a half I don't have to think about exams, papers, assignments or boring lectures!
This is my life...and I'm loving every minute of it!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) cannot be mistaken for any other marsupial. Its spine-chilling screeches, black colour, and reputed bad-temper, led the early European settlers to call it The Devil. Although only the size of a small dog, it can sound and look incredibly fierce. Apparently this little creature is no longer restricted to the lower island of Australia. No, they are running rampant in Southern Alberta disguised as 22 year old females commonly referred to as “roommates”. Yes, Danielle moved in yesterday and has taken over the living room, laundry room, half the basement, and generous hall space. Some would refer to this move as a “gong show” and others have referred to this incident as “complete and utter chaos”.

We’ve officially been roommates for 1 day, and let me tell you, nothing but great things have taken place. We did, oh, nothing all morning long except drink homemade Starbucks and beautify ourselves. We then trekked to the mall where we encountered some strange sorts of human beings (Danielle has the description of these creepos on her blog). After the mall, it was Celine Dion and grocery shopping. Pretty much just great times. After today I decided that next year will pretty much be low marks, but GREAT abs!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

I dropped...

This weekend I really undertood the term "shop 'til you drop!" Why? Becuase that is exactly what my mom and I did all weekend!! I went home on Thursday to enjoy a long holiday weekend with my family, and I'll admit, my mom and I spent most of the weekend together with the rest of the crazy long weekend shoppers! On Friday we took my sister to the airport and she is off in the States with her man and doing the last details for the wedding that will take place 18 days from today. After that we HIT THE MALL! I tell ya, I experienced a REAL shopping spree this weekend! But not only was this experience incredibly fun, it was also very educational. Here are the lessons I learned this weekend:

1. Sales ladies over the age of 50 at The Bay will always be grumpy.
2. Something about the four letters "S-A-L-E" written in a large font, bolded in red really do draw the eye.
3. You can buy the same t-shirt in four different colours when it is on sale!
4. People get grumpy when they have to stand in line too long.
5. Some men will never like shopping with their wives/girlfriends/significant others.
6. Spencers is a useless store.
7. Bargain hunting is a gift. (Both my mom and I happen to have this gift.)
8. Parking lots are not for wimps.
9. Fitting rooms are gross places
10. Guys in La Senza should be judged.

Friday, April 14, 2006

the days of old...

So yesterday I was filling up my car at the famous 7-11 in Claresholm. To my surprise, it was $1/litre!! I tell ya, gas is going up again and I don't know what I'm gonna do about it. But I was not the only one to notice this tragedy!! As I was filling up, this old man on a bike appeared out of nowhere.

Here is our dialogue:

Old Man: (appearing out of the blue) So, are you still going to fill up, even when it costs 2 dollars a litre?
Me: (Jumping a little) Unfortunately, yes, I gotta get home somehow!
Old Man: Terrible, ain't it?!
Me: Sure is.
Old Man: *Chuckles* then rides away.

It was a strange occurance. I think he thought that I should probably be riding a bike and not polluting the air with my expensive gas. But seriously, like I was gonna ride my bike 200kms in the wind with my hamper full of dirty laundry.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

just because...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I have a confession to make. I've been cheating on some of you. Yesterday I started a myspace profile. I know that is unthinkable. I was a dedicated blogger and knew the world of blogging would treat me well. However, I was in dire need of something to do instead of writing my paper. I have some friends on myspace and I always want to leave them comments, but you can't when you aren't a member, so I needed to take the plunge and sign up. But do not fret, I will still update my blog because, I'll be honest, I think it's much prettier! And really, I do love you fellow bloggers very much. But if you're feeling up to it, I suggest you go check out my new space. It really is pretty great and it's fun when you get a new friend! Click here to go check it out!!! And if you are also a two-timer, I'd like to be your friend! haha!

Much Love.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Don't you ever feel like Friday afternoon comes, the sun is shining, and the birds a chirping and it's like the world exhales together in unison?! I just got home from school and Susan and I talked on the back porch, I saw a family ride by on their bikes and there are people out enjoying the weather and the weekend. This is one of the best feelings. While there are deadlines and assignments still looming overhead, there is something special about weekends! With that being said, I hope you all take time to enjoy this fabulous weekend!!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

big winnings....

I just have to say...
I won my first roll up the rim today...a coffee!!!
YEAH baby!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

this just in....

My dear friend Stephanie saw United in Atlanta, GA YESTERDAY!! She sent me this picture because she knows my appreciation for them!!! She loves them as much as I do and we are gonna go back to Australia together so we go to Hillsong Conference and live in the land we so love!! Anyways, I just had to post this as it is hot off the press....

...Now onto other things. There was a birthday today. My car turned 200 000 kms old!!!

This was a pretty big day for me as the car has been in the family for a looooong time, and after this summer, she will be passed down to my little brother, who will most definitely change her into a him. I will say goodbye to my "Mac & Marley" decal and hello to who knows what is waiting for me. So that being said...if anyone is selling a car in the near future, keep me posted!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the anticipation was worth it...

Today Haleigh and Tilly picked me and Jon up from school and not only was it incredibly exciting becuase we were going to get the new United album, they also had Starbucks for us when we got in the car!! I tell ya, what a thrill!
Not only does the album meet my expections, it surpasses them!! But more than good music, this CD shows what God is doing through the ministry of United and what happens when we truly worship. I was watching the DVD and people were worshipping God and not bound by what other people thought, or what was happening around them. Eyes were closed, hands were raised and the name of God was being praised!! I didn't mean for that to rhyme, it just did!! Tilly and I are going to Creation Fest this summer and United will be there, but truly I'm excited to be with thousands of people praising the Creator in the midst of His creation! This is inspiration to not only enjoy Praise and Worship during a Church service, but to completely live a life that is worship, to praise God no matter what you are doing and share His story by the way you live your life.

"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."
- St. Francis of Assisi

oh happy day...

Every spring I look forward to one certain event. The release of a new album by UNITED! At their youth conference every October they record a new album and release it early the next year. It has been out for a month in Australia already, but TODAY is the day that it is going to be released here!!! Tilly is going to pick me up from school and then we are on our way to purchase our new copies of UNITED WE STAND!! I can't wait...I wish it were 3:00 already, but alas, it's only 9:37, so I must exercise the art of patience for the next 5 and a half hours!! Keep checking for my album review that is sure to be posted later this evening!! (If you're wondering who the stud in the picture is, it's the one and only Joel Houston!)