Friday, June 30, 2006

On June 25, 2006...

This just makes me really happy and that is all I have to say about that!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

my new game...

When boredom and creativity mix, a great new game is invented. This game will become famous in the blogging world. I'm just sure of it. So for those of you who have blogs, or leave comments on blogs, you'll notice that on some comments there is a word verification setting. This means that you have to type in the letters you see on the screen so that you can leave a comment. Anyways, I have invented a game that utilizes these letters. It all started becuase out of human nature, I was trying to read the words, but alas, they were never really words, they were just combinations of letters. Some of them I found quite funny, and thought it would be great if they were actual words. So, then I decided I would make definitions for them. Now you can play too. It's quite a rush. At the bottom of your comment, you can write down what the definition for the word would be if it were a real word. Some examples are...

Hubalonj: Chinese cutlery that is used for eating dumplings.
Grotaqui: A diagnosis given to Kangaroos after they have had their tails stepped on.
Rylewof: Baked vomit.

Okay, maybe that last one was a little gross, but you can see how this game allows for creativity and a fun time for all!! Enjoy...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

lightning crashes...

Well, here it is 12:44 am and I am wide awake because every time a lightning bolt lights up the sky, it also lights up my bedroom! There is the most incredible storm going on right now and I can't say it's easy to sleep through! I must say, even though my body wants to be sleeping, I'm quite intrigued by this storm. It's not everyday you get to see something this fascinating. Even though my flowers are taking quite the beating from the hail, its worth it. Words can't describe the intensity of this storm at the moment. Well, now that I've killed 5 minutes, I may give the whole sleep thing another go! My lights are starting to flicker and I would be sad if the power went out and this post was lost!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Maybe it's my own fault for wishing I had something out of the ordinary to blog about...but now I do. So, last night after church it was a beautiful evening and I thought I'd hit up the lovely paths around the lake on my bike before the sun went down. My water bottle was filled, my shoelaces were tied, my helmet was on, but there was one key element missing - my bike. After a quick search around the perimeter of my house, I concluded only one thing, my bike had been stolen. My bike is probably 10 years old and really nothing to write home about, so I'm not upset becuase of this major financial loss, it's the principle of it that urks me the wrong way. The idea that someone walked up onto my front porch, passing my front door and fiddled with my (I'll admit cheap) lock, just to steal my (again - cheap) bike.
Then of couse more questions come - was I home? Was I sleeping? Was it in the middle of the day and I was doing laundry? Was some creepo watching my house to make sure nobody was home? Was some punk kid bored? Who knows, all I know is that my plans of being more fuel efficient this summer have just been put on hold until I find another economic way of travel!! Well, that is my story from this weekend. If anybody has an extra bike lying around, you know who to call!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

spring cleaning...

I realize Spring started a while ago, but I was in the cleaning mood today and decided to do a little closet re-organization! I think that's the perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday. I started buying some stuff that I'll need for my big move Down Under and I realized that my closet is too disorganized for me to be able to keep stuff in there, so let me tell you, I was relentless!! But the real reason for the big clean - I had to find a way to keep myself amused. I quit my job because it was just to terrible and I couldn't hack another day of it! So that being said...if any of you know any place that is hiring, let me know!! I plan on making Monday a job hunting day. I already have about 8 places I plan on hittin up. Lets just hope I'm somewhat successful!!!

Well, that's just a little update from me. I don't have any exciting stories to share, which is quite sad, but trust me, when I do you can expect a decent post! Anyways, I think I'm gonna hit the hay before my United CD repeats for the 4th time!!


Monday, June 05, 2006

Cloud 9...

I've known for a week that I am moving to Australia. I still pinch myself to make sure it's true!! I really can't believe that the biggest dream of my heart will be fulfilled in only 7 short months. However, I must remember the HERE and NOW! It has been so easy for me to think about all I have to do to prepare for the big move! But I keep forgetting that life for the next 7 months will resume as normal!! But all in all I'm still super excited and can't wait for the next chapter of my life to begin!

So to get my head out of the clouds I have been reminding myself of the amazing things that I have to look forward to while I am here. I want to truly take time to cherish the moments I get to spend with my friends and family! Susan, Darcen and I have recently become addicted to a T.V. series and we are looking forward to sitting down and watching the episodes together. And not only am I enjoying my time with them (seeing as they are so kind to let me tag along because they are my ONLY friends left here) becuase they are great friends, but because in about a month I get to watch them get hitched!!

Although I am extremely sad that Tilly has left me for the big city just north of here, I am STOKED about our road trip that we get to take at the end of July. Hitting Creation with my best friend should be the highlight of my Summer! Not only will our car ride be fun because Tilly and I can talk for hours and hours about anything, we are also pretty adventerous spirits, so I have a feeling there will be some good stories to blog when we get back!!

Well that's it for my ramblings today. I'm a little scared that this blog might fit into the "Nadine Category" and well, lets just say, I've been trying to avoid that!! Haha, just kidding, love ya Nards!!