Thursday, March 09, 2006

to say hi or not to say hi....

Do you ever have those people in your life that you tend to see everywhere you go, but you don't actually know them? Since I started University I have seen this guy almost everyday and I have lovingly named him Riley because, well, he looks like a Riley. Anyways, I see him randomly walking from class to class, in the cafeteria, the gym and now, my new home the library. Today we walked past each other and shared a "moment" as we listened to our ipod's. I almost said "hi" but then I remembered, I have no idea who this guy is! I was telling my roommate Nadine about my dilemma and how I feel like now I've seen him so much that it's awkward if I don't say hi! But then reality hits again and I realize that there is no reason for me to talk to him! So I realize this is a rambling about nothing, but I'm telling you, this is a big deal to me. Not only becuase I see this kid all the time, but between you and me, he is quite attractive! So Riley, if you ever see this, just say hi becuase the mystery is killing me!


Blogger BrandiK said...

Seize the moment! Say hi to Riley. What's the worst that could happen... better yet, what's the BEST that could happen!
I totally used to do the same thing in college... but I never said hi and wished I had.

Good luck!
-random stranger who found her way here

10:34 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course you should say 'hi'...after all, maybe he is the love of your life...Don't miss your opportunity...As a friend of mine once said, "You are in a WIN-WIN situation." ... If you are gonna jump...

I heart you...

11:28 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:40 p.m.  

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